Dear friends,
In our Jewish tradition, remembering our loved ones and saying Kaddish in their honor on their Hebrew day of passing, is a meaningful way we can connect with them on this important and special day.
With this mind we would like to offer you the following:
1 - Have your loved ones information added to our NEW monthly email that will let you know the Hebrew date of your upcoming Yahrtzeit / Memorial day observance.
2 - Arrange for the Kaddish prayer to be recited on your behalf on that day, if needed.
3 - Links with practical guidance and insights on how a Yahrtzeit can be observed.
All you need to do is fill out this form with you loved ones information and we will take care of the rest.
Click here
May our loved ones memories be for a blessing,
Rabbi Yitzchok Kahan
Chabad in Medford